Saturday, April 26, 2014

South East QLD Coastal Journey: Burleigh Beach

As I look through my beach images to do this series, I am realising that I don't have a lot of day time images of the beaches I will be posting about.We live about 45 mins north of the closest ocean beach and we often drive down to capture sunsets. We usually arrive mid morning or around lunch time, but it seems I spend much of that time stalking birds; Seagulls, Terns, Oystercatchers, Ospreys & similar.

I must rectify the lack of daytime images soon. I have also discovered that I haven't explored some beaches... Both on my to do list now! The beaches north of Currumbin are wonderful beaches and deserve to be shared. Until we head back south to the Gold Coast, I will continue to share what I have.

Beaches north of Currumbin still to be revisited & photographed are:

Palm Beach
Tallebudgerah Beach
Tallebudgerah Creek Beach
Sandy Cove & Echo Beach

Next is Burleigh Heads and North Burleigh Beach.

Burleigh Heads beach consists of a fantastic rocky headland which is home to a number of  birds; Silver Gulls, Crested Terns, Common Terns, Sooty Oystercatchers & Eastern Reef Egrets. The rocks are also a great spot to sit and enjoy the sun, explore the rock pools & watch the locals surf.

Looking from Burleigh Heads beach towards Surfer's Paradise city...

Looking south from the rocky headland on North Burleigh Beach... the headland in the distance is Burleigh Heads.

Up above on North Burleigh lookout, there are "love locks" scattered along the wire railings.

Looking north from the lookout along Miami Beach with the sky scrapers of Surfer's Paradise in the distance...

And looking south along North Burleigh beach all the way to Burleigh Heads

North Burleigh lookout is a great spot to enjoy both sunrise and sunset (this is sunset), and the spectacular views!

Linking up with these memes:


TexWisGirl said...

beautiful surf and beach views!

Carole M. said...

magnificent views Liz; I especially like the one with boulders in the fore

FilipBlog said...

Great beaches and what a city in the background. Everything ok with Bec, haven't been blogging so much lately.


Brian King said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I love the cityscape in the background!

eileeninmd said...

Lovely views of the beach and city skyline.. Gorgeous series of photos. Have a happy weekend!

Lisa Gordon said...

Daytime. Anytime.
Your photographs are always so beautiful, Liz!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh LIZ it is always such a treasure to come here and see your photography, you have an incredible eye. Hope you are well. Hug B

Pauline said...

This series is making me quite homesick which is a bit odd as I was always more fond of the north coast. When I see your photos I realize how much I missed with my surfers' tunnel vision. I especially like the sunset.

Bas. said...

dat is met recht de goudkust, wat is het mooi.

One Mother Hen said...

Gorgeous place, and your photos are amazing :)
Interesting to see the love locks idea taking off in Burleigh.

LOLfromPasa said...

Oh my! What wonderful photographs.

Juliana said...

really cool place... where urban & wild worlds meet...

xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject

Ida said...

Wonderful, just wonderful beach shots. I love the ocean and wish I could visit it more often. said...

A beach so close to a big city....oerfect! Great shots.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Intriguing perspectives of these lovely beaches. The water is so blue and the sand so yellow. Our sand on my peninsula is quite pale by comparison, but our waters can be a rich blue.

Jim said...

Fantastic shots

Louisette said...

Beautifull beach and fotos.
✿ܓ✿ ♥ ✿ܓ✿

Light and Voices said...

I am glad that you are filling in the daytime shots of beaches. Such beauty to behold any time of day in my opinion. You certainly were thinking outside the box with the love locks in the sky and then the city and then the beach. All are extraordinary images. Looking forward to see what you post next week.
JM Illinois U.S.A.

Jocelyn said...

Wow! Such gorgeous pictures. The colors are so vibrant!

Jocelyn @

RobinfromCA said...

These are beautiful images of your beaches! I think the love locks are fabulous and you captured them perfectly!

Anonymous said...

Love the rich colours. Wonderful shots.

Pat Tillett said...

That sure looks like a great spot to build a city! nice photos...

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