Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday: Australian Pelican

The Australian Pelican is found throughout Australia, Papua New Guinea and western Indonesia, with occasional reports in New Zealand and various western Pacific islands.

Males are larger than females. The most characteristic feature of pelicans is the elongated bill with its massive throat pouch. The Australian Pelican's bill is 40 cm - 50 cm long and is larger in males than females. Pelicans have large wings and a wingspan of 2.3 m - 2.5 m

Pelicans are widespread on freshwater, estuarine and marine wetlands and waterways including lakes, swamps, rivers, coastal islands and shores.

Linking up with these memes:



Bob Bushell said...

Oh my, what a beautiful bird, the Pelican is just glorious. Thanks Liz.

Brian King said...

Fantastic photos! Love the yellow eye rings!

Helen said...

The pelican is a grand bird and you have shown its regalness, along with its sometime comic awkwardness.

Valerie said...

Fabulous captures Liz! I adore these birds that combine clumsiness on land with absolute gracefulness on the wing.

mick said...

Great photos of the pelicans.They always seem to give good photo ops.

Dan said...

Must be a sight to see these birds fly. I can't imagine their wing span! Thank you for bringing your Australian birds to my part of the world. :)

Pat Tillett said...

I've always really like pelicans. These are great looking ones for sure.
Really nice photos!

LOLfromPasa said...

What a wonderful collection of shots.

Gordon said...

I just love that Pelecan, and the lamp post shots are great, looks like he's expecting fish to drop out of the sky, LOL.
All the best Gordon.

Les Fous du Cap said...

Nous adorons cet oiseau ;-)
Céline & Philippe

eileeninmd said...

Hello, love the pelicans. Awesome series of photos. Have a happy day!

A Colorful World said...

He's a lovely bird! Looks like a lot of personality too!

NatureFootstep said...

I did see the pelicans when I visited Queensland but did not get thus kind of gorgeous images. Too little time I guess :)

Anu said...

Interesting post and great photos. Thank you.

Stewart M said...

These are great shots of a great bird!

When you are back in Victoria a trip to Popes Eye in the bay is a great way to photograph gannets.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Hundertmorgenwald said...

Wow! A beautiful bird!

Jeanne said...

Love the crop showing that amazing eyeball! Great shots!

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