Sunday, February 24, 2013

Camera Critters: Eastern Water Dragon

This young Eastern Water Dragon wasn't looking too happy as the Brisbane River reached it's peak during the January 2013 floods...

I'm sure his home had been engulfed by the flood waters.

More critters by clicking on the button below:

Camera Critters


TexWisGirl said...

poor guy. but he sure is cute.

Bas. said...

maar je hebt er hele mooie foto,s aan over gehouden.

Anonymous said...

Excellent shots, I love that 1st one... he's poppin up to say, "...ello miss, can ya gimme a hand, here?" & ya know ya gotta say that in your best Australian accent! LoL! heheheee =)
poor thing, i hope he finds a dry home that's comfy cozy!

Vores have said...

Nice pictures you show. Wish you a good weekend :) Hanne Bente

RNSANE said...

What a sweet little fellow. You got wonderful shots of him.

My Camera Critters is at:

Karen said...

Awww, poor guy. He is cute!

GOOSE said...

Very cool photos. I like the look on his face.

Anonymous said...

Oh my - what fabulous shots.

Brian King said...

He does look a little PO'd! LOL! Love that first shot!

FilipBlog said...

Just great how he is popping up is head.


Laura said...

a lot of character in this critter:-)

Valerie said...

Well spotted! Sure is a cute character and you did well to capture him/her before he/she scurried off again.

Pauline said...

Such an expressive wee face! Fabulous shots, Liz.

Carole M. said...

you got a beautiful photo of the water-dragon Liz (how's your new lens shaping up?)

eileeninmd said...

Cute sighting of the water dragon! I feel sorry for the critters who lost their homes.

Unknown said...

What a great photo..I just love this guy..I think he likes you too..

Shey said...

I think I can clearly see his dismay by his pose. Poor guy. Nice capture.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Poor guy. Wondering where his home went.

Jessica said...

So cute! That first shot is just amazing!

GB said...

Wonderful detail.

Unknown said...

Awesome shots! He's a cute little guy!

Ross said...

Wow! Very impressive shots Liz! That first shot is a real beauty.

Kala said...

He's so cute! Great shots.

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Excelentes registos....

Lisa Gordon said...

Really kind of a cute little fella, and these photos are great, Liz!

Ekaterina Trayt said...

Aww, such a cute lizard!

Anonymous said...

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