Saturday, March 3, 2012

Weekend Flowers & a Surprise

I ventured out into the backyard for some photographic inspiration. We only have ONE bush in the backyard (a Duranta) so I am not sure why I was searching for inspiration there, but I discovered a treasure by chance...

On closer inspection... a Blue Banded Bee (it's one of Australia's native bees)

A Blue Banded Bee-copter

I was very pleased with these captures - taken with my 55-250mm telephoto zoom lens  :)

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           Macro Flowers Saturday badge 1          

studio waterstone         


Michael S-B said...
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Michael S-B said...

Such amazing close-ups. No3, with the wings looking like stained glass windows and the purple of the flower coming through; how furry the bee is! I never realised before. And the last picture with its wings looking the rotors of a helicopter, and that amazing capture of the eyes with their multidirectional vision.

LindyLouMac said...

Hi Liz, today I am calling by as another participant from Flowers On Saturday, you deserve to be pleased with the results, they are stunning.

Unknown said...

these are amazing shots! your duranta is a beauty.

VaishVijay said...

I love that macro, where I can even see the flimsy wings of that bee!

TexWisGirl said...

cute little bee butt! but that last shot is great!!! perfect hover action!

Shaun said...

you gotta be pleased with these shots Liz, they are wicked. I especially like the hovering 'copter' bee shot.
Well done
Have a great weekend

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Beautiful photos, especially I like the last one.

Regards and best wishes

Linda said...

that last shot is SpEcTaCuLaR!!!!!

The Nature Jotter said...

Amazing photo darling! I hope one day to make photo like this!!

FilipBlog said...

Great colour combinations.


Nancy said...

Wow -- amazing and beautiful captures Liz. :)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

These are amazing shots. You never know where you will find inspiration

Nadege, said...

Amazing shots, especially that last one.

Juliana said...

Oh, cool Bee-copter...
:) ahahaa... super
xoxo, Juliana

Tina´s PicStory said...

thats really a sweet surprise! thanks for sharing this wonderful pics with us :)

Cheryl said...

I love bees in flight. You've captured them beautifully. I've never seen a blue-banded bumble. Love the flowers as backdrop.

Joop Zand said...

Wonderful pictures with lovely light and colors.

greetings, Joop

doris said...

Wonderful pictures!!

hugs doris

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much I miss by simply not EXPECTING to see the miracle. Thank you for reminding me to raise the bar.


Karen said...

Oh you found some beauties. Well done!

genie said...

You have had a fine model for your shots today. He must be a very happy bee working away in the midst of all of that lavender. Fabulous captures. genie

Kim, USA said...

It's gorgeous!


Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Wow Liz, your lens certainly delivers! You have caught some wonderful native bee shots, especially love the last. They love the Duranta don't they.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Absolutely breath taking ,Liz, love them all but the last is stunning

T... said...

amazing shots, love the last...what a big bee....

CraftyHope said...

Very, very cool shots. I've never heard of a blue banded bee. Is that real or something you made up? Anyway, the bee-coptor made me laugh out loud! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

WOW those are very cool. Love the last one. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Stunning colors and details in these photos!

Lori P said...

So beautiful. I'm just amazed at that last shot. Wow

Amanda said...

Absolutely Beautiful!! Amazing shots!!

Kim said...

I really like these! That last one is super cool (that is a technical term). ;)

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Congrats on your win at Shoot. Edit. Submit. Yur last really is a fantastic shot Liz.

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