Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tuesday Tips & Pics: Testing the water

I am still on a steep learning curve with my photography. I bought my DSLR in August and I have to admit that I have only ventured into manual mode 4 times - to be honest, I really don't have much idea of how to alter the settings for optimal images so I find myself in my auto mode comfort zone most of the time!! As a result, I can't really offer any tips, so I shall just share some more pics from my trip to the Mornington Peninsula.

Linking today with a new meme:
Live, Love, Travel


Jaymi said...

I think these shots are great! Thanks for linking up! So funny, we both showed seagull pics!
If you're interested, here's a great, super easy, step-by-step guide to shooting in manual.
My advice is to start in Aperture Priority mode (A on Nikon, AV on canon.) Change your aperture (smaller number for more light and shallow depth of field, larger number for less light and deep depth of field) and then your camera will pick the right shutter speed to complete your exposure! Have fun learning!

Michael S-B said...

Seagulls have an interesting character about them, don't they? I like your photos.

Your photography has grown so quickly, I think you have proved you can learn it. As you follow the tips people give, & keep experimenting, I'm sure you will become a master of using the manual settings, just as you have already proven you have such a creative eye. I'm immensely proud of you, and how creative you are.

Karen said...

Great captures Liz. Oh, it looks so warm there!

TexWisGirl said...

(i'm right there with you! stuck in auto for about a year and only recently tried venturing out of it!)

these are really cute photos!

Nadege, said...

Great captures.

I mainly use Aperture Priority Mode and let the camera set the speed. This way I can control the depth of field. I also check my histogram to see if I need to make any exposure compensation.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Nice pics of the birds. In Sweden this birds name is "fiskmaas" Have a nice Day !

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed the Falcated Duck. Naturally of course we in the States think you have the wonderfully totally different birds and such a wide variety. May I suggest using the "P" mode instead of "M" (manual). You then only deal with adjusting shutter speed or aperture to your liking, leaving the camera to make the adjustment for the one mode you didn't mess with. This is easier for me and makes for a lot less BAD pictures than when I venture into M land. I still use Auto at times too.

Momentos Creativos said...

Que lindas fotos de naturaleza, colorido, gracias por compartir. Saludos

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