Wednesday, January 25, 2012

World Bird Wednesday: Eastern Rosella

The Eastern Rosella is a medium-sized colourful parrot with red head and distinctive white cheek patches. They are found throughout south eastern Australia.

I photographed these ones at a National Trust property, The Briars in Mt Martha, Victoria. Using my "stalker lens" (aka  Canon Telephoto zoom EF-S 55-250mm IS). Unfortunately they (there were 3) wouldn't allow me to get too close, so I had to be satisfied with cropping my images, and the reduced sharpness associated with that.

The following images are of the male Eastern Rosella - much brighter colours.

The female Eastern Rosella has the same beautiful array of colour & markings but just duller than the male.

More birds from around the world by clicking the link below:



Martha Z said...

Oh my, what beautiful birds! You got close enough for us to appreciate their lovely colors.

Anonymous said...

Pictures look great. That is a good stalker lens.

Michelle said...

What a beautiful bird with all those regal colors. It's something I don't get to see where I live. Thank you for sharing it.

mick said...

Great photos of these beautiful birds. They are not common around here so I still need photos of them! There were so many of them where I used to live on the mid-north coast of NSW but I wasn't in to cameras and birds back then :-(

Nadege, said...

What a colorful little bird. Wonderful captures.

Anonymous said...

The Rosella is a beautiful bird! Nice captures.

Dawn said...

Now that is one beautiful bird!!

Giga said...

U nas nie ma takich kolorowych ptaków, dlatego z przyjemnością oglądam Twoje urocze zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam, *** We do not have such colorful birds, so happy watching your lovely photos. Yours.

John said...

Lovely bird Liz! I have only ever seen these in captivity, but they are more beautiful in the open air. Birds should never be in cages in my opinion!

Stewart M said...

Hi there - Easterns are hard to get pictures of. They seem much more flighty the other parrots. Only managed to get decent images (but not of mature male!) in the last few weeks.

Very nice pictures, crop or no crop.

Adult Pacific Gulls really are an impressive bird - hope you can catch up with one soon.

Stewart M - Melbourne

Brian King said...

Oh, wow! The colors and patterns are fantastic! Gorgeous bird!

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous birds and colors. Wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing your world bird.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Your photos are still lovely Liz. (You may be able to improve them by reducing the shadows and fiddling a little in Picnik or similar.) We have so many brightly colours native birds, just difficult to have opportunity to photograph them.

Gretchen said...

Oh my!! What a gorgeous bird!! Great captures... even if you couldn't get closer!

Anonymous said...

Ein putziger und farbenfroher Vogel.
So schööön.

GLG Marianne ♥

TexWisGirl said...

just gorgeous!!! (and i am sad about your dog, but glad you still get to visit, too!)

NatureFootstep said...

that´s really a beautiful parrot. And you got such nice photos. :)

Larry said...

Great shots of these gorgeous birds Liz!

Springman said...

Stalker lens, I like that! Australia is just it for beautiful parrots. Just when I think I must have seen them all, here comes another stunner. Can't help it, bird envy has sunk in! said...

I have parrots,so I really appreciate seeing yours in the wild.Someday I`d like to visit there,beautiful shots of the busy bird!phyllis in Pa

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