Friday, February 5, 2016

What Makes You Happy??

Over at Focusing On Life this week, Deanna wrote a post titled Money Can't Buy Happiness... This got me thinking about my own happiness, and what really makes me happy.

True happiness does not come from financial status or material possessions... These things can come and go. You cannot put a price tag on true happiness.
North Burleigh Beach, QLD

I believe that:
Happiness comes from your attitude to life; how you look at life not only when circumstances are great but also when they are difficult.
Happiness is also directly related to how grateful you are.
I have never been in the situation of having a lot of money or possessions. However, every day I choose to be grateful for what I have. I am thankful that we are able to pay our bills every week. I am thankful that we can eat healthy food and have the things in life we need.
Basically I am grateful for God's provision for our needs.
Currumbin Beach, QLD, looking towards Currumbin Rock

I am grateful that I have a wonderful family; my parents, my 4 siblings, my husband, our 9 children, their partners, and my grandchildren.
Although it is incredibly difficult, I am grateful for those family members who have estranged themselves from our family. I pray daily for restoration of relationships so our family can be whole.
I am grateful for my wonderful friends, who constantly encourage me and keep me grounded.
I have people in my life (both family and friends) who encourage me to be the best I can, and love me for who I am. It is these people who I choose to enjoy life with. They are the ones I am blessed to share memories with; and it is those memories that bring me great joy!
Kirra Beach, QLD
I am surrounded by the beauty of nature, which I can see, hear, touch, smell and photograph. My photography allows me to capture moments of that beauty -- for that I am incredibly grateful!
I have my faith, which provides me with comfort, peace, joy and love. I am blessed!
Kirra Beach, QLD
So, in short, my happiness is a direct result of my gratitude.
The things that really make me happy are my faith, God's provision, my family, friends, creating memories, nature, and photography.



Photo(Geo)grapher said...

Looks great! Beautiful color on the sea and sky.

Lea said...

Beautiful scenes!
And I agree completely with your Happiness essay.
Have a blessed week-end!

Noke said...

Schone Bilder vom Strand und vom Meer.


eileeninmd said...

Hello, we all have many things to be grateful for, happiness is one. Lovely images and beautiful skies. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

Your photos make me happy!

DrillerAA said...

Well said and nicely illustrated. Well done. Have a blessed week-end.

Virginia said...

So serene and beautiful.

nicol2carm said...

Wonderful pictures!

Bas. said...

het is geweldig mooi daar.

Melissa said...

Lovely pink sunset! The beach reminds me of Oregon.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Your thoughts and conclusions mirror my own Liz.....

Unknown said...

What a wonderful post this is, Liz!
Filled with so many things we should all remember, and be grateful for.

You have a wonderful weekend, my friend. xo.

Pat Tillett said...

Great words and photos!
I just need enough. I have enough, so I am pretty happy.

James said...

What a wonderful post! I love the photos and I completely agree with what you wrote.

This part really spoke to me:

"I have never been in the situation of having a lot of money or possessions. However, every day I choose to be grateful for what I have."

Normally I'm content and grateful but every now and then I need a reminder. Thanks !

Michael S-B said...

What a wonderful article. You have written it extremely well, Liz. And I love the pictures xoxo

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