Monday, October 15, 2012

Project 366 Rewind {Week 38 & 39}

I am so far behind in posting my Project 366 Rewind.

The nerve damage issues from my car accident in Nov 2009 have become even more of  a problem over the last few months, with not much hope in sight. Driving is becoming more difficult and more painful. It's becoming harder to control the day to day pain and sleep is even more disturbed than usual.
Photography & blogging have been harder as I learn to deal with the prospect that things are not really going to improve (aside from a miracle). Some days I don't get to pick up my camera at all... on those days, I try to focus on processing my images. So, it's often not a photo each day, but I aim to process some images every day. I do try to get out (further than my backyard) with my camera for something new at least once every weekend or when my husband (and driver) has his rostered days off.

So here is the end of September...

Day 260 (September 16) - This old barn, in the rural Brisbane suburb of Alberton, is one of my favourites. We took a drive out that way for some raptor bird watching with out much success.

Day 261 (September 17) - Cane fields, blue skies & mountains in Woongoolba, QLD

Day 262 (September 18) - HAY there... Farming in the rural area of Norwell, QLD.

Day 263 (September 19) - Stand Up Paddle Boarder on Logan River, Jacobs Well, QLD.

Day 264 (September 20) - "The view from up here" - Brisbane City from Mt Coot-tha Lookout.

Day 265 (September 21) - Ferris Wheel at Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers.

Day 266 (September 22) - Poppy bud.

Day 267 (September 23) - Bee on Lavender.

Day 268 (September 24) - Beyond the garden gate.

Day 269 (September 25) - Amira the Princess Parrot playing in my daughter's wet hair.

Day 270 (September 26) - Meadow Argus Butterfly on a daisy.

Day 271 (September 27) - Kangaroo Paw

Day 272 (September 28) - Eastern Water Dragon resting on a log amongst a sea of Viola flowers at Roma Street Parklands.

Day 273 (September 29) - Riverfire marking the end of the 3 week long Brisbane Festival.

Linking with:

Naptime Momtog


♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Hi Liz!
Your photos are always beautiful.
268 days captivated me.
It is wonderful!

Bas. said...

heerlijke serie vooral van het boerenland en die oude schuur is prachtig om vogels te fotograferen

GOOSE said...

Loved "beyond the garden gate".

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Liz I LOVE LOVE LOVE all these photos you truly have a gift.
I do hope you find that miracle never give up. I do wish we could have a tea in the middle of the night and I could look at your beautiful photos and we could chat about what we thought and what we have now that our life has given us. We are going to do what we want because we are strong and I know we both can.
Keep snapping Liz. Hugs B

Mary Gene Atwood said...

I may have to come back and stare at these gorgeous shots. The rain is here, pounding down and the wind is howling. I'll pretend I'm in one of your photos.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm sorry you cannot get out every day, but when you do go out I can see you make the most of it! I LOVE the bee on the lavender. WOW! And I can never resist poppies and rusty roofs. Very nice series of photos. Liz.

TexWisGirl said...

i am really sorry about the back pain and nerve problems getting worse. i cannot imagine how that must impact you each day. as for your photos, they are beautiful! i just love the barn w/ fence and the fence photo. my favorites!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Liz, I am sorry that your pain is getting worse. I will pray for a miracle for you. Your photos are so beautiful, don't give up.
I'm loving your photos today. The barn with the rusty roof and the fence is my favorite!

Karin M. said...

Very nice photos. Particularly fascinating and beautiful is the sky and the flowers ..... wonderful ...
Love greetings, Karin

Seeing Each Day said...

Liz, while I don't assume to know how you feel I can only think you must get so disheartened and worn out with dealing with the pain let alone just experiencing the pain itself. I'm really sorry. It's a credit to you that amongst this everyday hardship that you've embraced the hobby of photography in such a positive way when you must be feeling anything but positive. Case in point - are you kidding me with those city night light shots from the other post?!! Each one of those I hope is instilling in you a sense of achievement and pride - I can't choose a favourite from them that's sure. From this set I really like the 9th shot with the fence/gate, it gives a sense of peace to me. Beautiful butterfly capture - I've set myself a goal this spring to TRY and take a butterfly photo - although now being inspired by yours here I'll have to add part b with the butterfly actually matching the petals!!! Renee

Michael S-B said...

Absolutely stunning photos, Liz. Just a question: the old codger between the 2 gorgeous young lasses - does he have a BALD SPOT on the back of his head????????

Juliana said...

every next photo is more beautiful then previous.... but the the last one is really firework of inspiration!

Have a great Day!
xoxo, Juliana

Mary Howell Cromer said...

All so very beautiful, those skies, the flower. Now you take good care of yourself and do not grow weary~

Joop Zand said...

Hello Liz

a lot of different pictures, but i like like them very much.....these skies are fantastic.

thanks for your comments.....i appreciate this.

Greetings, Joop

Rosemary Aubut said...

Beautiful photos Liz! You have a great eye for color and composition! love them all!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are all magnificent photos. i love that water dragon, i like lizards and this one is BIG.. the flowers are just stunning, and that last shot of the fireworks is amazing. i know how hard it is to get night shots like this one.

Graham Edwards said...

Your gate photo is my favourite today. It's perhaps not the most colourful or spectacular but it really does it for me.

thefisherlady said...

facinated by the hay field ... all that green and all that dry!

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